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Quota Movement: The Opposition Should Join The Movement, Not Remain Aloof With Only Verbal Support

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The storm of the students’ Quota Movement has engulfed the Shahbag area of Dhaka, and elsewhere in the country.

In 2018, the storm engulfed the whole country, and the government was compelled to bow down to their demands, and cancel the quota system. But on 5 June this year, the government reinstated the quota system, and the students are back on the streets, raising a storm again.

In 2018, the authoritarian government attacked the demonstrators with brutal police atrocities and violence by their student thugs. This year, the demonstration is again under the threat of attacks by the authoritarian and unelected ruling regime.

The opposition parties should immediately join and support the students and and not remain aloof with only verbal support in order to compel the government to bow down again to the demands, as in 2018, and even extend the movement to finally defeat fascism and hegemonism, and establish a patriotic and democratic government.

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