Our Mission and Vision

The Bangladesh Freedom and Democracy Forum (BFDF) is a pivotal political platform under the umbrella of The Coalition for Human Rights & Democracy in Bangladesh (CHRD Bangladesh), a nonprofit organization based and registered in the United States. Our mission is clear: we seek to advocate tirelessly for the democratic principles and human rights that the people of Bangladesh deserve.

We strive to free Bangladesh of hegemonism and authoritarianism, and establish a patriotic and democratic government.

On 17 January 2024, the Bangladesh Freedom and Democracy Forum (BFDF) was formed keeping in mind the call to:

*Be united and organized and to spread the wave of movement throughout the country and globally.
*Resist Indian hegemonism and Sheikh Hasina’s authoritarianism.
*Campaign for the India Out movement, including boycotting Indian goods, and to resist Indian interests in Bangladesh.
*Resist Sheikh Hasina’s unelected regime.

The aim of the forum is: to defeat fascism and hegemonism in Bangladesh, and to establish a patriotic and democratic government.

Disaster and darkness have befallen Bangladesh, and it is in a dire situation after the Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League regime’s blatant election farce of 7 January 2024. According to the US and the West in general, the election was neither free not fair. The grip of fascism has now intensified manyfold and the control of Indian hegemonism in Bangladesh has increased so much that the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh is now under a grave threat.

In this situation of darkness in Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Freedom and Democracy Forum (BFDF) was formed with a group of patriots from 4 continents, with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in various fields, to conduct campaigns to (i) resist Indian hegemonism to rescue our freedom and (ii) resist Hasina regime’s fascism to rescue democracy, and (iii) establish a patriotic and democratic government in Bangladesh to consolidate our freedom and democracy.

For the last 15 years, the fascist and illegitimate regime of Sheikh Hasina, aided and abetted by India as a mentor, has perpetrated 3 massacres (on BDR, Jamaat and Hefazat), indiscriminate killings, oppression, repression, mass imprisonment, unbridled corruption and plunder, and above all, it has sold out national interests and surrendered sovereignty to India.

Through the farcical election of 7 January 2024, by barbaric repression of the opposition and brazen rigging of the election of a very low turnout of about 5%, Hasina has retained her illegal hold on power. Disaster has befallen Bangladesh in addition to the last 15 years of killings, tyranny, and reckless plunder by the fascists and the hegemonists. We need to rescue the country, we need to unite, we need to campaign.

We call for and resist the fascist regime’s killings, oppression, repression, reckless plunder, and its selling out of national interests and the surrender of sovereignty to India.

We call for and conduct campaigns against Indian hegemonism in Bangladesh.
We call for and support the India Out movement, including Boycott Indian goods, whenever possible, openly or secretly.

We call for and resist India-Awami League aggression on the political, military, economic, social and cultural affairs in Bangladesh.
We call for and support freedom, democracy, justice, human rights and harmonious development.